Dong Quai Cure

Dong Quai (aka angelica polymorpha - sinensis or a. sinensis) is an ancient chinese herb used for a wide number of ailments primarily with the female reproductive organs and is a popular alternative to HRT.

Specifically, dong quai can help with menstrual cramps, and spasms.

Those suffering heavy menstrual bleeding or fibroids, diarrhea, or want to be in the sun (or use tanning beds) should not take dong quai.

Applicable for Dong Quai

  Hot Flashes Info   Menopause Side Effects Info   Menstrual Issues Info
Please note that many of the cures on this website are in a state of incomplete progress. To simplify, I have created a 'best natural cures' page which I believe contain the most effective, non-drug, non-surgical cures available.